
ヘルプ – どうすればすぐにストレッチマークを取り除くことができます? | ボディケア

あなたは多くの人々のような場合, ストレッチマークを持っているあなたの体の部分があります, しかし、これまでにストレッチマークが正確に何であるか疑問に思っている? ストレッチマークは、体が高さまたは幅のどちらかで成長している場合に発生, この時点ではコラーゲンの生産は停止されている. This is why stretch marks often occur during pregnancy, when a man or woman has gained a lot of weight or all of a sudden has a growth spurt in their height. As collagen is produced by the body to give our skin it's soft and pliable texture the slowing down of it's collagen production during this time causes the skin to stretch with growth and it begins to wrinkle and fold.

Your skin begins to get long and thick lines through the stretched area which makes this area very unappealing, some who have very visible stretch marks try many different creams and oils to help make these lines and marks much less visible.

This article will examine the effects on stretch marks through application of creams to the stretch marked area and will attempt to provide some insight into the effectiveness of topical applications.


To look deeper into stretch marks one will have to take notice that stretch marks often occur where the skin is dry and less subtle, so when it stretches and expands, tearing of tissues is often seen. To keep this area soft and pliable the application of Vitamin E or cocoa butter is very popular. Both Vitamin E and cocoa butter creates a barrier between the skin and outside influences such as harsh soaps and ボディケア 製品. With continued use the area not only remains soft the avoid future marks but will also soften the scar tissue making it less noticeable.


Although most people equate stretch marks with women during pregnancy and those who have gained quite a bit of weight it may be surprising to you to note that many bodybuilders often get stretch marks while they are building larger muscles. For many bodybuilders, the application of oils like Vitamin E is not always a good option due to the greasiness of the oil on the hands during application. This is one reason why many bodybuilders prefer to use cream based products instead.

Many people are aware of the fact that stretch marks can fade over time though most tend to be a little more pro-active about their stretch marks so that they don't have to always cover up and hide the scarring (はい, stretch marks are actually the scarring of the skin). According to the makers of stretch mark creams, this can both help to prevent stretch marks by maximizing the skins elasticity and helps with reducing the current damage to the stretch marked area. Stretch mark creams are also formulated specifically for stretch mark prevention and are based on skin science where as cocoa butter and Vitamin E as being used in a method that was not originally intended.

It's also noted that hydrating the skin from the inside is very important and it is always recommenced that one drink enough water to fully hydrate the body which is often eight full glasses of water a day.

While the merits of any topical stretch mark product should always be fully evaluated by the individual based on their own needs, they do seem to offer an effective option in the fight against current stretch marks and helps to prevent future ones.

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