【Topical steroid therapy with special reference to steroid phobia in Japan】
Although topical steroids, emollients and oral antihistamines are used as the first-line therapy for AD, long-term application, even with intermittent use, induces local and unavoidable adverse effects such as skin atrophy and telangiectasia in a substantial percentage of patients.
These adverse effects and the emotional fear of long-term use of topical steroids have induced a topical steroid phobia in patients throughout the world.
Before the topical tacrolimus was commercially available in Japan, we collected clinical data on 1,271 AD patients who had been followed for at least 6 months in outpatient clinics.
The check sheet for each patient included the following items: age; gender; duration of AD; global severity before treatment; global severity after 6 months of conventional topical steroid therapy; evaluation of clinical improvement; total dose of each rank of topical steroids per 6 months' therapy on the face, scalp, trunk and extremities; association with herpes simplex infection and/ or Kaposi's varicelliform eruption; association with molluscum contagiosum; and adverse effects of topical steroids (telangiectasia on cheeks, skin atrophy of antecubital/popliteal fossae, acne and folliculitis, hypertrichosis, bacterial infection, dermatomycosis, rosacea-like dermatitis, contact dermatitis caused by topical steroids, and steroid-induced striae atrophicae). Global clinical severity was classified as "very severe", "severe", "moderate" and "mild". The ranking of topical steroids was "strongest", strong", "strong", "mild" and "weak" in Japan.
個々の患者に対するチェックシートには以下の項目が含まれている。年齢、性別、罹病期間、治療前の全般重症度、従来のステロイド外用療法による6ヶ月治療後の全般重症度、臨床的改善の評価、顔・頭・躯幹・四肢へのステロイド外用剤使用総量とランク、単純ヘルペス・カポジ水痘様発疹症との関連、伝染性軟属腫との関連、ステロイド外用剤の副作用(頬の毛細血管拡張、肘窩膝窩の皮膚萎縮、にきびおよび毛嚢炎、多毛、細菌感染、皮膚真菌症、酒さ様皮膚炎、ステロイド外用剤による接触皮膚炎、皮膚線条)。全般的な臨床的重症度は、「非常に悪い」「悪い」「中等」「軽度」に分類した。日本におけるステロイド外用剤のランクは、strongest, strong, strong, mild, weakである。
The 1,271 patients with AD were divided into 3 groups according to age: 210 infantile (0-2 year old) cases, 546 childhood (≥2 and <13 years old) cases, and 515 adolescent and adult (≥13 years old) cases. All of the patients were treated with topical steroids and moisturizing emollients. The clinical severity of AD in the majority of patients improved or was unchanged after 6 months of conventional therapy ("controlled" group). However, 7% of infantile AD, 10% of childhood AD and 19% of adolescent and adult AD patients remained in a very severe or severe state or experienced exacerbation ("uncontrolled" group) (Table 3) .
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